00233 243 565 520 / 00233 372 098 649   Tamale, Northern Region, Ghana

African Numerals Educational Programme (AFRINEP)

This African Numerals Educational Programme (AFRINEP) promotes innovative teaching and learning activities to acquire complete knowledge, skills, and experience by the learner in this modern and 21st Century for an easy and better life. This is to enable the learner to provide solutions to address challenges facing our society. This programme has developed an advanced special curriculum with topics that comprise practical teaching and learning for the basic schools/Secondary/Senior High Schools. Every nation in this world can be thrilled knowing and benefiting from African Numerals’ innovative educational programme. This is because from the creche to the university is purely practically oriented and can create entrepreneurship programmes, self-empowered jobs, business, company formation and employment galore.

This programme is enhancing teaching and learning activities in both urban and rural communities. Much and maximum attention is focused on needy and poorest children in non-performing schools. This is where every knowledge, skill, innovation and invention can be learned for the world’s benefit for betterment. Equipping the grown-up or the adult with educational knowledge is also taken greatly to the highest level.

We do this by training volunteers to reach the children and identify the needy and poorest children, assess the identified children, and provide the children with basic learning materials; pencils, pens, rulers, exercise books, tables, chairs, reading books, African Numerals mathematics books, school bags, school uniforms, school sandals, tooth paste and brush, handkerchiefs and meals lobby and integrate or enroll them to formal schools to enable them to achieve their educational goals for a satisfactory and successful life in the future.

This programme additionally empowers the learning institutions with innovative skills and modern knowledge to deliver teaching and learning satisfactorily and successfully. Knowledge and skills needed to develop a nation for its betterment are imparted through agreement and partnership.

Some major challenges and circumstances that lead to the children’s failure or dropout of school are extreme poverty at home, divorce, hunger, lack of basic learning materials, death of parents, misconduct of some classroom teachers, poor teaching and learning materials in schools, poor child care at home, poor methods of teaching, high school fees by some schools and child truancy. African Numerals System team offers orientation to teachers as guidance to teach African numerals in schools across both rural communities and urban areas in Africa. The teacher’s Guide book is available for each teacher to guide him/her in teaching the numerals without hindrance. Our team also empowers the rural teacher with simple and basic community development knowledge and skills to aid community development. Our curriculum is made up of local dialects for instruction and the English language for broader understanding. Teaching and learning materials are given to trained teachers to aid them in teaching comfortably in schools. This motivates both the child and the teacher to do their best for a successful lesson. From crèche to the upper primary, our teachers give eighty per cent (80%) practical teaching and activities and twenty per cent (20%) content to the learners with concrete materials and heavy activity methods. This is to enable the learners to acquire basic practical knowledge, skills and experience to be productive in society in the future. This is aimed at creating massive employment in the African continent. Learners are assessed by their teacher in practical procedures before a mark or certificate is given to the qualified learner.